Ready to join our affiliate program and start earning? Click here to become an affiliate and unlock a world of opportunities!
All Affiliate Followers need to contact their Affiliate for Affiliate information.
INTRODUCTION: The following information is hereby provided in an attempt to educate interested parties, that might be interested in becoming an, H&H Brands, Inc. AFFILIATE.
HOW DOES AN AFFILIATE PROGRAM WORK? For starters; you will not be selling anything-products, goods or services; to anyone; that’s right, you will not be selling products, to your relatives, neighbors, friends, co -workers and so forth.
GREAT FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS; A WAY TO MAKE MONEY, WHILE ATTENDING COLLEGE; WE PAY $5.00 PER ORDER; HIGHEST IN THE INDUSTRY; and students can work with their Parents, Relatives, friends and associates; no investment, or upfront cost; START MAKING MONEY IMMEDIATELY. Students can share with other students, and recruit others to help grow their business; just think, a college or university with tens of thousands of students and faculty to share this fantastic product with; and at the same time; get paid $5.00 for every order, and re-orders.
Think about this: The parents for all the college students your child recruits will purchase the product for their child-student. Also, these parents will spread the word, and those additional customers will become additional, followers for your child-student. Consider this; an average university might have, over 45,000 students and faculty, and many of these could become customers; it’s really that simple; just about everyone loves Salsa. It’s possible that your child could become a millionaire before he or she graduates. Over 18-million students are attending college in 2023; look at the potential.
You will establish an email list and send out announcements, telling everyone that you’re now an Affiliate, and from time to time, H&H Brands, will offer you, a Discount Coupon, that you can offer-pass on, to your customer base, and that can help you generate more sales. You should have business cards printed, that include the two links, for your followers to use, when they visit our website & store, to make a purchase, and your Affiliate Number will be, embedded in those links, that track the purchases your followers make and at the end of each month, you get paid your commissions. Some of your associates might share some of their email files with you, and that can increase your base; if you own a business, you already have a customer base to take advantage of.
Now; here’s the best part of this program; like you, the people that you recommend the products to, will do the same thing you’ve been doing for years, and they to, will refer additional people, and so on, and so on.
1. According to government sources, Affiliate sales in 2022 totaled 8.2-Billion, and is growing 10% each year.
2. According to government sources, Affiliate Marketing will generate 17-billion to the economy in 2023, up from 13-billion in 2016, and is expected to reach 40-billion by 2030.
3. Over 80% of Companies, selling Branded Products, are using Affiliate Marketing Programs, and over 84% of online content publishers, join, Affiliate Marketing Companies, and 94% of these companies, are also involved with at least 2 or more Affiliate Marketing Companies, 39% with 3 or more companies, and 20% with 5 or more companies; so…you can see that the Affiliate Marketing Program Companies, are the future, in the E-Commerce, and online marketing and sales business. This is an opportunity to get in, on the ground floor; this is like purchasing, Apple Stock in the early 1980’s, and, this is for real, and for those who decide to join, a Brand Company; one that produces their own, Branded Products, like H&H Brands, they can enjoy all the growth, that lies ahead.
4. With anything in life, as in the Indiana Jones movie, when Indian Jones had to choose the correct, Chalice-True Grail; Cup of the Carpenter; he chose wisely.
5. What if you had purchased several thousand Bitcoin’s when they were first introduced.
6. So, in life, and business, timing can mean everything, along with making the right choices; and I believe the time is now. I personally think this is the right time, and this just happens to be, what I consider, the greatest Business Opportunity…ever…that’s right folks, the greatest business opportunity ever; an opportunity for ordinary hard-working people to build their Personal Wealth, with no investment; you can work from home, very little expenses, and no advertising expenses, because most of your…”Followers” will be spreading the word for you, and that increases your sales, and most of these people, use, Social-Media. It’s really that simple. My friend in Florida, who owns a TV station, took a you-tube video and posted it on Tik Tok, and in only a few hours had over 5,000 hits. You and your Followers can spread your message quickly via the various channels-sites on social media platforms. Spend some time in the evenings and on the weekends, searching for information and ideas, about how to grow your Affiliate business; it will pay off.
7. This is what Amazon does best; their Affiliate Marketing Program has 47.3% of the U.S. Market; and the second place company only has 7.67%.
8. FACT: Let’s compare this opportunity to someone that decides to start their own business, like a regular business; for example a Fast Food Restaurant, like a Sandwich Shop; with the Franchise Fee, that might be only $15,000.00, but the total cost, like for a Sub-Way sandwich store, can end up costing about $250,000.00 by the time you open, and…your monthly overhead could run about, $15,000.00, and….you will need to work..7-days a week, and….the actual net profits for an average store, is less than $40,000.00 per year based on, published reports. Now, based on reports, over the years, most new businesses fail in the first year, about 90% failure rate, and people lose everything they own; not a good story or ending. Enough bad news.
9. When choosing the right Company, for your initial Affiliate Marketing Program, you need to do some homework, and, Choose it Wisely.
10. NOW…how do you know what Company to choose…well, it’s really quite simple.
11. First…you need to find a real company, not some storefront that you can’t find any information about, or some newly formed Company, that is not, a manufacturer, but might import their products from China or other foreign countries; instead you need to find a, U.S. based Company, that has been in business for a long period of time, with a proven track-record, and one that will actually offer you a membership into their Affiliate Marketing Program; many are now charging individuals to join, and most are not paying a reasonable commission; some of the high commissions reported are based on…a customer, agreeing to sign-up for a…membership, and agree to purchase a certain amount of product(s) over a period of time, like at least a year; so be careful.
12. H&H Brands meets all the requirements you’re looking for; a California Licensed Food Manufacturer; a picture of our facility in on our website, home page, and we produce all our products in our facility. The Company was founded in 1992, and our first products were a line of…instant powdered Cappuccino mixes, and they were placed in…ARCO AM PM Convenience stores, Texaco convenience stores, Yum Yum Donuts, southern California, Winchells Donuts, nationwide for over 9-years, Los Angeles Unified School District, and most of the School Districts in California, and many more well know establishments. In 2005 we developed our, H&H Brand, 30-Second Salsa, and it won a Gold Medal, and we now have 16-Products that have won Gold Medals.
13. Market Share; you need to choose a company that produces products that have a, large market share if you want to be successful. If you choose a company that produces power tools, your market share is very small, and people might only purchase a particular tool, once every ten years or so; I think you get the point.
14. Choose a product with a large market share. Products with a great market share, and that are also, “a niche product”, can be extremely successful, and since the H&H Brand products are Food items, that means 100% of the market is available to you; granted everyone doesn’t eat Salsa, but the majority loves Salsa, so that is a great starting place; and don’t forget, we also sell our very popular Chili Mix, and just about everyone loves Chili.
15. Find a product that is well known. The H&H Brand 30-Second Salsa has been in the marketplace since September, 2005, and we have a very large audience-following, and we believe that since 2005, over 100-milion people have seen, or sampled our products. Our distributors do over 400 shows each year, and that includes most of the State and County Fairs, so our 30-Second Sala is well known, nationwide.
16. H&H Brands is currently selling the following products on our website; Mild Salsa, Hot Salsa, Thermal Salsa, Chili Mix, Chicken Seasoning, and Bloody Mary Sports drink mix. All of our products are Gluten Free, and Vegan friendly, except our Chili Mix, if one uses any meat product in their Chili.
17. H&H Brands will be introducing some exciting new products in the first quarter of 2024; and they include our Green Energy Protein Drink mixes, Protein Pudding, Chai Tea, and Protein Soups; our Green Tea will be available in July, because our green tea is coming from a Grower in Japan, and that is when the new crop will be harvested; H&H will only sell fresh…Green Teas, and they are also Organic. The Gourmet Nuts are on hold until prices come down to an affordable level. You can view the new product labels on our Store Page.
18. Loving the Products, you sell. This is extremely important, because you can share your personal experiences with the products you purchase and use; and keep in mind…these individuals that you will be sharing the information with, are people you know…family, relatives, neighbors, friends, co-workers and so on, and you can steer them to our website, home page and they can access all the reviews and testimonials about our products, and they can view the Video’s regarding our products. Most of our Customers have been doing this anyway, for years, and that is how we’ve grown, as a Company. They now, have the opportunity to turn this into a money-making business for themselves.
19. Pick products that customers will purchase multiple times each year; and for years to come. These products are few….and far between, but the H&H Brand Salsa and Chili Mix are products that our customers have been buying for many years, most never buy another Salsa product, after they have the H&H Brand Salsa; many of our customers have been purchasing our product for over ten to fifteen years; just read the Testimonials and Customer Reviews, plus the 2300-plus likes on facebook, and please view the first Video, with Tony testing our H&H Brands Salsa mix; he thinks it makes the best Salsa he’s ever had, and he doesn’t think…..anyone will ever be able to top it; he thinks it taste heavenly, and is his favorite of all time. I Strongly urge you to have your Followers, watch, the Tony Video, on our home page, and if they had any doubts about the product, it will convince them that this is the best Salsa Mix, ever!
20. By picking products that people purchase multiple times each year; means more commissions for you, and when one of your followers makes a purchase on the HH Brands website-store, using the link that you gave them, you keep getting paid, and this can go on for decades to come; Salsa has been around for hundreds of years, and will continue to be enjoyed for centuries to come; I think you get my point; try and find another product like this. Another point to make is, that most of our customers spread the word, so you can expect many referrals from each of your Followers, and this means money.
21. Know your ROI-Return on investment: This Is the key to running a successful business, and how much money you get to keep, after expenses, and taxes, so you need to have a reasonable Commission on the purchase, your followers make in order to stay in business. H&H Brands will be paying a $5.00 Commission for each sale and on 1-can of Salsa mix, that sales for $22.99, that represents a commission of 21.748%, and about 10.6% on a 2-can order. Our average sale per order, is about 2-cans, so your average commission could be somewhere between the, 21.748%, and the 10.6%, but looks like it’s about 14.50%, for, one each, 1-can order, and one each, 2-can order, (3-cans total price, $68.97, divided into $10.00, commissions equals $14.50%), and we incur a shipping charge of $5.75 on 2-can orders, so after figuring out our…ROI, we decided that a, fixed Commission of $5.00 per order is what we can pay; keep in mind that from time to time, we’ll be issuing discount coupons also, and that also eats into our profits. We feel this is very reasonable, and based on our products, and the fact that they are an easy sale, and your Followers in many cases will make multiple purchase each year, this is an excellent opportunity for anyone looking for a way to make, long term income, based on a product with the history that our H&H Brands products have.
22. How much does an Affiliate Marketer make: Well, here are some Industry figures!
1. Beginner: $1,000.00 monthly, but not immediately; might take 6-months or longer.
2. Intermediate: $1,000.00 to $10,000.00 monthly
3. Advanced: $10,000.00 to $100,000.00 monthly
4. Super Affiliate: Over $100,000.00 monthly
23. With Consumers; branded products out sale all other products, so this is a major consideration.
As you can see from the numbers above, those who are professionals and make this their full-time job-career, they make a lot of money.
NOW…I’ve used the word….SELLING a lot in this presentation, but…you will not be selling, that’s right, no selling, simply sharing and recommending the products that you purchase and use, to your Followers, and they, decide whether to make a purchase or not; no selling like with an MLM Company, where you have to try and sell an over-priced product to the people you, know, love and respect; not the case here; just the opposite, they make the decision, and make the purchase on our website; and you in turn, get paid a commission.
Here’s some very interesting facts: The vast majority of the consumers make their buying decisions based on Recommendations; and…9 in 10 base their buying decisions on, Customer Reviews; so H&H Brands, has all 5-star customer reviews, plus all five star Testimonials, plus 2300-likes on Face-Book, and they can view the two Video’s we have posted on our Website, Home Page; we also have a picture of our Corporate Headquarters located in Riverside, California, so customers can see that our Company is much more than just some…store-front business; we even list our phone number on our home page, so people know that if they have a problem, they can get in touch with us; we answer the phone, all day long, and if we’re out, you can leave a message and we’ll get back with you; we’re an old fashioned family owned and operated business, and we know that it is our Customer’s that pay our bills and keep us in business.
APPLY TO BECOME AN AFFILIATE: In order to become an Affiliate, with H&H Brands, Inc. you must have a legal business entity, for obvious reasons, mainly for IRS and taxes, so, you need to have one of the following: 1) Corporation, 2) LLC, 3) a Partnership, 4) a Sole Proprietorship, and 5) Self-Employed, using your legal name only; if you use or add an additional word-name, you are required to file a, DBA; example: John Doe, is okay, with your social security number, but if you use: John Doe Marketing, you must file a, DBA, and have it recorded with the County recorder’s office, in the County you reside in. Any Partnership, or Sole Proprietorship, with a Business Name; you will need to file a DBA. Since some states have different rules, it might be wise to check with your state authorities. Now, with an LLC, there are several options, and you need to go to the Federal Government site, and read them carefully; normally, if you use the LLC, as a, corporation, and have at least one employee, you need an EIN number. I would strongly recommend that if you have an LLC, get an EIN number. You can always check with the business that prepares your taxes each year.
WARNING: I suggest you make sure that you keep all records related to your business, and if you earn $600.00 or more in a taxable year, H&H Brands is required by law, to file a 1099, with both the Federal Government and the State government, that you reside in.
Commissions will only be paid, when your balance reaches $50.00 or more; we can’t afford to write thousands of checks for less than the $50.00; I think you understand; and for those who don’t reach certain minimums after six months, H&H Brands reserves the right to terminate these accounts, due to the cost to maintain these accounts; I think you understand. Any balance owed on these accounts will be sent out, if the account is closed by H&H Brands.
You can go to our website: hnhbrands.com, and select the, Affiliate Tab-link, and it will take you to the, Application Page, on our Store Section, and your application will be forwarded to H&H Brands, Management team, for review and it will be either approved, or rejected; make sure you fill in all the, blanks-fields, so you don’t get rejected.
If you’re approved as an Affiliate, you will be assigned an Affiliate number, and you will be provided, different links that you share with your followers; 1) a link to, the H&H Brands, website homepage, and 2) a link that will take your followers to the H&H Brands Store Page; if you’re given a Discount Coupon, your followers will need to enter in the, box on the store page, and then, they will receive the proper discount.
NOTICE: Your followers will not be able to reach the Store Page, from the Website Home page, to make a purchase using your Affiliate Number, that is in the link that takes them to the Store. These are two different links, so make sure, your followers are aware of this, because if they make a purchase, that does not contain your embedded information, the system will not know it’s a Follower belonging to you; I think you understand.
The importance of your Followers visiting the Website Home page, is so they can become familiar with H&H Brands, and read the Testimonials, the Customer Reviews, and the 2300-plus likes on facebook, and view the Video’s so they can see that our products are the best in the industry, plus they can read about the history of H&H Brands; if they were in doubt before visiting the website, a visit will most likely close the deal for you.
I SAVED THE BEST FOR LAST: For anyone out there that is interested in earning additional income, that could help you with a savings plan-program-account, that could in turn be used for items like: Kids College Tuition, or a Retirement Plan, that could help supplement your Social Security Benefits; when you retire, this could be your answer-solution.
You need to look into the future, because time flies, and before you know it, you could be forced to retire, like so many have experienced, when U.S. Companies move most of their jobs to a foreign country, to save-make more profits; I’ve heard these stories from so many of my customers over the past five years, and it’s not a pretty story. You need to look out for you and your family, because the politicians certainly won’t.
When I stated earlier that I thought this was the best opportunity, I’d ever seen; I meant it; I’ve been in the business world since 1963, when I began my banking career, and opened my first business in 1977; I’ve seen it all, and before now, the only option was to save your money, max out your credit cards, take out a second mortgage on your home, and risk everything on some kind of small business, but in most cases, people lost everything; not a good story.
Now, with this Affiliate Program, you can begin, with no investment, no risk, and try your luck, just sharing great products with your, neighbors, relatives, co-workers, and family, and it’s up to them to make the decision; you can start small, and then learn about more ways to connect with, additional companies that offer an Affiliate Program; it’s really that simple.
I have a new Affiliate that is having his business cards printed, and they have his Affiliate link on them, that his Followers can use, and every time they make a purchase; this way, he will get paid each time; work smart, and think of ways to get your message out to people you know; take a look at your address book, or files, and send out emails to all your friends, relatives, neighbors, co-workers and so on, and give them the good news about your new business venture; these people will want to help you. The more business cards you pass out, the more business you’ll generate; this is a great idea for everyone to use.
Don’t set your expectations and goals too high in the beginning, instead, think small, and begin with the people you know best, and see how it feels sharing these products with them, and sharing your experience with the products, and share with them the fact. that you are now an Affiliate and talk to them about it, and they will help you spread the word; this is what’s so great about this program-opportunity, and if you continue working the business, it’s possible that in a few years, you could be making several thousand dollars a month, maybe more.